Quality Control

Quality Accreditations

  • SASO Logo
  • SGS logo
  • Intertek Logo

Metal Testing

Thermal, Spectrographic & Physical Analysis, Metallographic Examination

  • Thermal analysis:: for the determination of the chemical composition and the solidification behavior in the early stages of melting.
  • Spectrographic analysis: prior to pouring, the exact chemistry of the metal is determined, and thereafter, adjusted.
  • Metallographic examination: determines the microstructure of the cast sample.
  • Physical properties analysis: determination of tensile strength, elongation, and hardness.

Non-Destructive Testing

Ultra Sonic Testing Radiographic Examination

Ultrasonic Flaw Detector
  • Ultra sonic Testing: to detect internal defects and measure the section thickness in the critical areas of the casting.
  • Dye Penetrant Test : To detect surface cracks and their severity.
  • Radiographic Examination: X-ray radiographic testing determines the internal integrity of the casting

Sand Testing

Sand property analysis

Fully equipped laboratory to monitor the properties of the molding and core sand, such as

  • Loss of ignition
  • Moisture content
  • Compactability
  • Active clay

Measurement Assesment


For accurate measurements of customer samples, or castings we operate an advanced 7-axis, portable measuring equipment. From design to production, large scale to detail, with reverse engineering capabilities, this piece of equipment is capable of measurement with a very high degree of accuracy.